Literacy for Environmental Justice

Local Plants. Local People.

LEJ promotes ecological health, environmental stewardship, and community development in Southeast San Francisco by creating urban greening, eco-literacy, community stewardship and workforce development opportunities that directly engage and support local residents in securing a healthier future.

Literacy for Environmental Justice

Local Plants. Local People.

LEJ promotes ecological health, environmental stewardship, and community development in Southeast San Francisco by creating urban greening, eco-literacy, community stewardship and workforce development opportunities that directly engage and support local residents in securing a healthier future.

Literacy for Environmental Justice

Local Plants. Local People.

LEJ promotes ecological health, environmental stewardship, and community development in Southeast San Francisco by creating urban greening, eco-literacy, community stewardship and workforce development opportunities that directly engage and support local residents in securing a healthier future.

Who We Are

We are a multi-generational and multi-cultural cohort of youth, volunteers, supporters, environmental educators, habitat restoration specialists, community organizers and social justice advocates dedicated to connecting people to local urban open spaces to restore ecology, improve environmental health and strengthen community.

We are completing this phase of the Healthy Habitats and Lifestyles project, including an expansion of the Native Plant Nursery. Our partnership with California State Parks, offers a significant opportunity for our organization to continue to advance environmental health, ecological stewardship, and community development in Southeast San Francisco as part of the restoration of California’s first urban state park, Candlestick Point State Recreation Area (CPSRA).

Key Achievements

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Our History

Since 1998, LEJ has engaged thousands of volunteers in community action projects that benefit Southeast San Francisco. From local and state level advocacy, to hands on restoration at Heron’s Head and CPSRA, to environmental justice programming in schools, LEJ has consistently engaged residents of all backgrounds in relevant programming that promotes environmental justice and ecological health.




“Literacy for Environmental Justice (LEJ) is my first internship. I didn’t know what to expect at first because I had no experience with the environment or nursery work. However, the connection LEJ makes with people, community, and work that is done is timeless. I am grateful and learned so much with LEJ. I have gained new opportunities: different programs, training, and events that LEJ made available to me. My favorite parts of the internship is learning about Native California Plants, and how to plant them. Then teaching what I have learned to multiple volunteer groups or events. I recommend anyone who needs a safe, learning and open environment to try LEJ out. As I started to invest my time as a steward for Hunter’s Point and different parts of San Francisco I noticed how invaluable this never-ending process of learning and healing will be.”


Denicka Posadas, Eco-Apprentice Fall 2017 – Spring 2018

Learn More About Our Work

Native Plant Nursery

A program of Literacy for Environmental Justice (LEJ), the Candlestick Point Native Plant Nursery is a vibrant community hub that is at once a living classroom for our educational programming, a center for green workforce development, and a premier source for hyper-local Native plants for habitat restoration in San Francisco.


Part of LEJ’s mission is to empower young people who envisioned a healthier future for their community. By tackling local environmental issues, LEJ enables local youth to enhance their well-being and in the process build a deeper connection to gardens, parks, and open spaces.

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