On Thursday, July 19, LEJ’s EcoApprentices will be presenting their findings and experiences from the Community Air Study to the BVHP Environmental Justice Response Task Force. You are invited to attend and support these young environmental leaders!

Bayview Hunters Point/Southeast San Francisco
Environmental Justice Response Task Force
Thursday, July 19, 2018

Southeast Community Facility, Alex Pitcher Room
1800 Oakdale Avenue, San Francisco CA 94124
LEJ Youth will be presenting some time between 6-7pm.

The EcoApprentices, with the leadership of Program Coordinator Ryan Tachibana, have been working over the last six weeks on an Air Quality Study in Bayview. This collaborative project between LEJ, Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice, Rafiki Coalition for Health and Wellness, and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District employs youth from the community to identify sources of air pollution and learn about the effects of air pollution on our health. The data collected by these young environmental leaders will be used to inform BAAQMD about the air quality in our community and identify unlawful polluters.

Community Air Study Photo 1


Last week the youth took a tour of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. They toured chemical laboratories, a meteorologist station, and the offices of BAAMQD, meeting many professionals in the field.

Community Air Study Photo 2


I did not expect there to be so much pollution in Bayview and that the way that people try to clean up the pollution is so ineffective (like spraying down the roads with water to keep down the dust…they even do that at the shipyard!)
-EcoApprentice, speaking about the Air Study experience

It’s fun working with the other students and staff at LEJ. I wish the program was longer. I liked all the different kinds of things we did, like the Air Study.
-EcoApprentice, speaking about the six-week Summer program

Community Air Study Photo 3