Every year during the first week of school, the teachers always loved to ask about summer vacation. The answers varied but usually fell along the lines of visiting grandma and grandpa, swimming, going to summer camp, babysitting, etc. Every now and then, a European vacation or something more exotic would pop up, but mostly it was the usual. Once we hit adulthood, the answers shifted a bit to events like weddings, baby showers, honeymoons in Hawaii, or skipping vacation all together it to save for a house or new car. Still fun things, but not necessarily exotic. So, imagine my delight this summer when a friend’s answer was “I went on a game show. And oh, I won!” Now that sounded like a cool summer.

LEJ staffer Anthony Khalil was the lucky friend (and coworker). Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader was the lucky gameshow? Here is more about Anthony’s cool summer activity in his own words…


An often-used group Icebreaker that I’ve been known to use with school groups and volunteer programs is the simple “What’s one thing you wouldn’t guess by looking at me?”. With so many answers and openings, I can now add that I’ve been on a TV Gameshow and had a blast!

I consider myself and my Family quite the competitive breed, and you always have to be ready for an opportunity and a challenge. How shocked was I when I was invited to compete on the remake of the classic Gameshow, Are you Smarted than a Fifth Grader. I’ve watched past episodes of the show and rowdily played along with Friends and Family. So when I got the invite, I knew it was on like popcorn! Besides, my “Lifelong Top-Secret Ninja Training” would serve me well in this game played with and sometimes against real 5th-grade students. Another not so secret advantage that I possess is that throughout my tenure with LEJ, I have worked with 1000’s of elementary students. Perhaps being around these young (but most often profound) people might rub off on me? I have witnessed some of the wisest words come from young learners when you are able to take them into their local environments, learn more about it, recognize an issue, and realize they can create a positive change. That what LEJ continues to do with our Community.

Don’t want to spoil the show, so you’re going to have to find the episode online #AreYouSmarter and see how I did? Play along and see if you can hang with those 5th graders!

Anthony - Fifth Grader